The problem

Thats one confusing title, but I believe the following example will make this problem a bit easier to understand:

Say you have two models, User and Login:

class User extends Model
    public function logins()
        return $this->hasMany('App\Login');

So to get the last login, you could do something like:

public function lastLogin()
    return $this->hasOne('App\Login')->latest();

And that works pretty well. But… what if we wanted to get all Users who’s last Login was from a mobile device? Easy, right?

public function scopeUsingDevice($query, $type)
    $query->whereHas('lastLogin', function ($query) use ($type) {
        $query->where('device_type', $type);

Unfortunately, it doesn’t work. It looks like it does, but in our results we’ll see mixed results:

>>> $users = User::usingDevice('desktop')->get();
>>> foreach ($users as $user) {echo $user->lastLogin->device_type . PHP_EOL;}

Subqueries attempt

Te Mad Scientist himself, Jonathan Reinink had that great article and presentation at Laracon US 2019 on Dynamic Relationships using subqueries that should solve this…

So we setup a dynamic relationship to get the last login using a subquery:

public function lastLogin()
    return $this->belongsTo(Login::class);

public function scopeWithLastLogin($query)
    $query->addSubSelect('last_login_id', Login::select('id')
        ->whereColumn('user_id', '')

Note: if you didn’t read Jonathan’s article, the subquery is dynamically generating the last_login_id column for the belongsTo relationship.

Simple and elegant, let’s try out our device scope:


Unfortunately, a QueryException will be thrown for Unknown column ‘users.last_login_id’.

Subqueries: Take 2

By reworking the previous attempt a bit (and with inspiration from a guy named Simon and Jonas Staudenmeir in a discussion on Stack Overflow), we can accomplish everything we’re after using a subquery:

public function scopeUsingDevice($query, $device)
    $query->whereHas('logins', function ($query) use ($device) {
        $query->where('id', function ($sub) {
                ->whereColumn('logins.user_id', '');
            })->where('device_type', $device);

Which can be abstracted and scaled using a Query Builder macro (or two):

Builder::macro('latestRelation', function () {
    $where = $this->wheres[0];
    return $this->where('id', function ($sub) use ($where) {
        ->whereColumn($where['first'], $where['second']);

Builder::macro('whereLatest', function ($column, $value) {
    return $this->latestRelation()->where($column, $value);

Why split the macro? I thought being able to pass other where methods, such as whereBetween() or whereNotNull might be handy in the future.

Using the macros, we get a super clean and elegant result:

public function lastLogin()
    return $this->hasOne('App\Login')->latest();

public function scopeUsingDevice($query, $device)
    return $query->whereHas('logins', function ($query) use ($device) {
        $query->whereLatest('device_type', $device);

And implementing this in your own projects couldn’t be easier:

composer require nullthoughts/laravel-latest-relation

Improving performance

While the subquery solution works well, I believe we can achieve better performance using an Intermediate MySQL View in Part 2 of this article.

(This was originally posted as one long article, however I afterwards felt it would be better to refactor it into two seperate ones: Part 1 focused on Subqueries, and Part 2 on Intermediate Tables using MySQL Views.)

Laravel Latest Relation Macros Package

  • Github
  • composer: composer require nullthoughts/laravel-latest-relation

Resources & Inspiration

Know of a better way to accomplish this?

I’d love to hear from you and collaborate on this. Reach out to me on Twitter: @jani_gyllenberg